Carta autógrafa de Arthur Colley Wellesley, 1.º Duque de Wellington (1769 - 1852)
Bifólio com marca de água J Whatman, dirigido a Sir Charles Stuart, redigido no Cartaxo, e datado de 3 de
março de 1811, o destinatário foi o enviado do governo inglês em Portugal entre 1810 e 1812. Na carta
refere que “I have repeatedly represented to the Government the necessity of providing for the wants of
their troops, if they intended that their discipline should be preserved, or that they should exist in the state
of a military body at all. It is impossible to punish soldiers, who are left to starve, for outrages committed
in order to procure food... Sir William Erskine again, yesterday, reported to me the wants of General Pack
´s brigade, and their consequent sickness. This is the fifth day that they have been without bread... I do
not know how I can move the Portuguese troops, as they are entirely destitute of all means of supply“.
Publicado em Gurwood, Dispatches of Field Marshal The Duke of Wellington, 1838, volume VII, página
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